Artist J.Ricker aka as Rick Jey…Actor/TV Host of “Spotlight on the Arts” and C.E.O. Jeffrey Parham of Golden Bricks Publishing LLC traveled to Dr. Hertich’s House (circa.1850)
in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri to view a painting “Better Times” that Ricker painted in 2022 and entered into the 2022 Missouri State Fair Top 50 Fine Artist Exhibit.
Dr. Sandra Hoffman of Saint Louis Missouri viewed the painting at the Fair and made contact with Ricker through the Exhibit Director and made arrangements to purchase it. Dr. Hoffman later shared with Rick that the painting was given a home at Dr. Hertich’s House and placed in the “Pioneer Room” along with other paintings by other noted Missouri Artists. Ricker found at the visit to the Pioneer Room and outer areas that he was in the company of other renowned
Missouri artists such as “Thomas Hart Benton”, “Gary Lucy” of Washington Missouri and “Bryan Haynes” also, of Washington Missouri.
Dr. Hoffman has restored Dr. Hertich’s home as an Air B&B where guests may reserve a stay at the home. Dr. Hoffman has restored other historic homes in Missouri…i.e. Richland Missouri.
You may view a short video of the visit on GMN+ TV and ROKU at GMNTV Plus.
See more of Rick’s paintings that are for sale at Rick Jey’s Marketplace, GMN+ TV connected.
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